
Creating sustainable, healthy and more comfortable environments in Australian homes

In our journey towards a future marked by climate change, architects and builders are adopting advanced design principles and materials to construct more energy efficient, comfortable and healthy living spaces. It requires a holistic approach that addresses the health and wellbeing of residents in a sustainable way. With the introduction of a 7-star Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) rating for new homes in the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022, energy efficiency and thermal comfort is a priority.

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When it comes to energy efficiency and the cost of heating and cooling, Australian homes have historically fallen short of world’s best practice. And this not only affects our wallets – it has environmental consequences. The built environment contributes almost 19% of Australia’s total energy use and 18% of greenhouse gas emissions1. Improving the sustainability of our homes will have a profound impact on us all.

At the heart of energy efficient and human-centred building design is insulation. A fundamental building material, insulation helps contain energy costs through passive cooling and warming and plays a pivotal role in creating a healthy indoor environment.

By leveraging our leading-edge insulation solutions and tapping into the expertise of our national Technical team, we help architects, designers and builders create homes that epitomise best practice in sustainability.

How insulation helps to create better living environments, sustainably

When we develop our insulation solutions, we consider the health, well being and fire safety benefits for people and the impact of these solutions on the environment. It’s a holistic approach that addresses thermal and acoustic comfort, energy efficiency, condensation management, protection from the elements, indoor air quality, fire safety and environmental sustainability:

Thermal comfort

Insulation helps regulate indoor temperatures by minimising the transfer of heat between the interior and exterior of a building. This means that in hot weather, insulation plays a significant role in maintaining a cooler indoor environment, and in cold weather, in retaining heat. Fletcher Insulation’s high quality glasswool insulation and thermal building membranes play a significant role in maintaining indoor temperatures.

Acoustic comfort

In residential spaces, unwanted noise can lead to poor sleep and impact daily life. Whether the source is external (such as from traffic, construction, and machinery) or internal (air-conditioners, plumbing, loud music and impact noise from the floor above), noise leads to poor sound quality within the home. Our acoustic insulation solutions play a crucial role in walls, floors, ceilings and roofing by reducing unwanted noise.

Improved energy efficiency and reduced greenhouse emissions

Insulation is a proven, cost-effective solution for reducing energy consumption. By helping create a more thermally efficient home with the right insulation solutions, you’ll use less energy to heat and cool your space, reducing energy costs and your environmental footprint. 

Condensation management

Condensation refers specifically to the process of water vapour changing its state to liquid water. This occurs when warm, moist air comes into contact with a surface that is cooler than the dew point of the air. The water vapour in the air then condenses into liquid water on the cooler surface. Condensation can lead to the growth of mould on indoor surfaces and in the building envelope (walls, floors and roof). Exposure to mould fragments, spores and mycotoxins can lead to adverse health effects including infections, toxicity, allergies and inflammation.

Our quality building membranes (wall wraps and roof sarkings) are tested to Australian Standards for water and water vapour control which assists with condensation management in differing ways depending on the climate, building application and specific project requirements.

Humidity control

Humidity specifically refers to the amount of water vapour present in the air, affecting how comfortable we feel. The combination of glasswool insulation and building membranes is crucial for a comprehensive approach to humidity control. Glasswool insulation contributes to temperature regulation, indirectly influencing humidity, while building membranes, depending on their type, assist in managing moisture by allowing or restricting the movement of water vapour through the building envelope.

Protection from outside pollutants

Building membranes (wall wraps and roof sarkings), along with the proper sealing of windows and doors, can help prevent outdoor pollutants (like pollen, dust, and pollutants from vehicles) from entering the indoor environment. They are an important element of the construction process as they protect the structure, keeping the elements out, and are designed to continue to perform once the build is completed, contributing to a healthier indoor air quality. Our walls wraps and roof sarking solutions undergo rigorous testing to meet Australian Standards to ensure optimal performance for different building applications.

Supporting healthy CO2 levels

While insulation itself doesn’t allow fresh air to enter, it is often part of a broader strategy that includes ventilation systems to ensure a healthy indoor environment. Our high quality thermal insulation helps retain the desired indoor temperature. This allows ventilation systems to operate effectively without unnecessary strain, optimising the exchange of indoor and outdoor air and minimising CO2 buildup. The right insulation and ventilation are essential for creating healthy and comfortable living, working and learning spaces.

Fire safety

Specially engineered to protect people from the impact of fire, Fletcher Insulation’s non-combustible glasswool insulation and low flammability building membranes (wall wraps and roof sarkings), act as critical barriers, slowing down the spread of fire and affording occupants valuable time for safe evacuation. This proactive approach is fundamental for saving lives during fire emergencies.

For the good of the planet

As the effects of climate change become more apparent, people are searching for ways to save energy and lower their energy bills.

Insulation is a smart choice for energy efficiency. It reduces household costs and emissions, plus it makes your home more comfortable to live in.

At Fletcher Insulation, we’re committed to eco-friendly manufacturing. We’re actively working to decrease the carbon footprint of the built environment by:

  • making insulation with zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
  • ensuring our insulation products support healthy indoor air quality. Our products don’t contain any harmful levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • using recycled materials in our manufacturing process wherever possible. Up to 80% of the glass used in our glasswool insulation is recycled, helping reduce landfill pollution by giving new life to waste materials.

Our eco-friendly insulation materials, which are used in walls, ceilings, under floors and in roofs, help create more comfortable and environmentally friendly homes.

At Fletcher Insulation, we’ll help you choose the optimal insulation solutions for your residential projects.

Our solutions help create:

  • a healthier indoor environment for people to live in
  • reduced energy solutions to control costs and environmental impact
  • higher Green-Star ratings and WELL certification
  • compliant fire-resistant construction systems


  1. Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Government Priorities: Buildings,, accessed 6 December 2023.


Insulation Benefits

Thermal Performance

Maximising the Fletcher Insulation thermal performance advantages

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Acoustic Performance

Elevating quality of life with acoustic excellence

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Condensation Management

Supporting you in condensation management

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Energy Efficiency

Driving better building energy efficiency across Australia

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Protection from Elements

Protecting structures, enhancing comfort and supporting good indoor air quality

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Fire Performance

Protecting people and buildings from fire

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Indoor Air Quality

Facilitating good indoor air quality (IAQ) with Fletcher Insulation

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Selecting the right roof insulation depends on factors like local climate, construction type, and the materials used for the roof, as well as your heating and cooling systems.

Roof insulation helps in multiple ways. It reduces external noise, prevents condensation, cuts down on draughts, and forms a protective thermal layer with low flammability.

  • We recommend the Permastop®range of building blankets for detached homes or duplexes with a metal roof. Made from up to 80% recycled materials, Permastop® products offer outstanding thermal and acoustic properties. They reduce heat transfer and minimise internal reverberation and distracting external noise, such as rain on a metal roof and also help prevent condensation forming under metal roof cladding.
  • The Sisalation® Vapawrap™ Vapour Permeable Metal Roof is a lightweight, highly vapour permeable and flexible membrane engineered from resilient non-woven fabric. With its high level of tensile strength, it’s designed to reduce damage during installation of metal roofing components. It also offers Class 4 Vapour Permeance to help minimise condensation by allowing water vapour to escape from the buildings that may otherwise result in mould growth.
  • Installing Sisalation Metal Roof MD (433) & HD (453) are exceptionally strong, consisting of an outer layer of aluminium foil attached to high-density kraft paper. This is then bonded to another foil layer using a heavy coating of flame-retardant adhesive. The added layer of defence protects against leaks or condensation forming on the underside of a metal roof.
  • Sisalation® Multipurpose EHD (456) is an extra heavy duty polyweave foil sarking, ideal for residential tiled roofs. It acts as a robust insulating layer, working as a water barrier for walls and roofs. Think of it as a second protective layer.

Each of these roof insulation products is suitable for use in bushfire areas with a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) in accordance with AS 3959-2009.

With our comprehensive range of insulation solutions, Fletcher Insulation has you covered for your toughest performance needs. Our insulation not only safeguards homes from future damage, but also creates healthier, more comfortable living spaces where people can thrive.

More details in PRODUCTS.

External Walls

Wall insulation can save around 15% on heating and cooling costs. Plus, it helps dampen intrusive external noise, helping to maintain a peaceful home environment.

Wall insulation isn’t just about energy savings and reducing noise. It’s effective at regulating thermal conditions within the home and meeting strict fire safety rules.

  • Our recommendation is Australian-made Pink® Wall Batts:
    • Made from safe, non-combustible bio-soluble glasswool, they offer excellent thermal and acoustic performance.
    • Pink® Wall Batts come in a wide range of R-values, densities, and thicknesses.
    • They’re eco-friendly too, made with up to 80% recycled materials.
  • When you’re looking for exceptional noise reduction, choose high-density Soundbreak™. It not only reduces sound from outside and between rooms but also keeps your home thermally comfortable. Now produced in a green colour for easy identification as a high-density acoustic batt.
  • For cooler and cold climates (Climate Zones 4-8), Sisalation® Residential Vapawrap® Wall Wrap, a vapour-permeable wall wrap, is an excellent choice as a building membrane.
  • In any climate zone where a vapour and water barrier is required, Sisalation® Tuff Wrap™ Standard or Sisalation® Multipurpose EHD 456 not only reduce draughts, they act as a shield against wind, heat, and dust.
  • For a double-brick constructions in hot and humid conditions (Climate Zones 1-3), use Sisalation® Foam Cell Multipurpose. An extra heavy duty sarking material, this product is a 3-in-1 multipurpose sarking solution to keep homes cooler.

More details in PRODUCTS.

Internal Walls

For peace and quiet within the home, you can’t beat interior wall insulation.

Helping to reduce the noise transfer between rooms, it’s especially useful for home offices, media rooms, and bathrooms and helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature:

  • Soundbreak™ is a high density acoustic batt, ideal for controlling sound transfer between rooms in both detached houses and duplexes.
  • We also recommend Pink® Batts Wall Insulation for maintaining comfortable thermal conditions in the home.

More details in PRODUCTS.


Soundbreak™ insulation is a high performance acoustic batt for managing noise between floors in multi-level homes:

  • It’s made of non-combustible glasswool with up to 80% recycled content.
  • Soundbreak™ insulation maintains its firmness over time, ensuring it remains in place and maintains optimum acoustic and thermal performance
  • Produced by Fletcher Insulation in a green colour for easy identification as a high performance acoustic batt.

Another great option is Pink® Batts Ceiling Insulation. Also made in Australia, this excellent insulation product maintains its firmness for ongoing thermal performance helping create a comfortable, energy-efficient home.

More details in PRODUCTS.


Blocking out 95% of radiant heat, our Sisalation® Foam Cell Shed Liner will protect cars, machinery, and other belongings in sheds, garages and workshops, keeping things cool even in hot and humid conditions. Rated as Extra Heavy Duty (EHD), this strong and durable insulation material will also help manage condensation in roof spaces.

More details in PRODUCTS.


With high thermal performance and effective noise reduction qualities, our Pink® Floor Batts are perfect for installation under suspended timber floors.

More details in PRODUCTS.


Selection Guide (Consumer) – Pink Batts


Selection Guide – Sisalation® Product Range


The Right Installation Matters

A well-insulated building is the cornerstone of achieving effective and sustainable energy efficiency levels. It’s essential to focus on ensuring that products and services are installed correctly to deliver their promised long term benefits.

For the Good of the Planet

We’re driven by a deep commitment to passionately create a better world through insulation and innovation, all delivered with simplicity.

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