Benefit: Acoustic Performance

Elevating Quality of Life with Acoustic Excellence

At Fletcher Insulation we’re dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all Australians through our extensive range of high performance acoustic solutions. We understand that noise, whether it originates from outside or within, can have profound effects on wellbeing, learning, productivity and enjoyment.

Creating Serenity at Home

In residential spaces, unwanted noise can lead to poor sleep and impact daily life. Whether the source is external (such as from traffic, construction, and machinery) or internal (air-conditioners, plumbing, loud music and impact noise from the floor above), noise leads to poor sound quality within the home. This can also make it difficult to understand speech or enjoy music, resulting in overall discomfort. Noise annoyance, particularly from neighbours in multi-residential buildings, can lead to a range of physical and mental health problems. Our residential acoustic solutions are created to enhance acoustic comfort wherever it is required.

Fostering Learning Environments 

In school and tertiary education, effective listening is essential. Our comprehensive range of high performance acoustic insulation solutions enable architects and designers to choose the right solution for the different types of spaces to maximises educational experiences.

Enhancing Patient Wellbeing in Healthcare

Noise levels in hospitals can significantly affect patient wellbeing. Research suggests that reducing ambient noise and preserving patient privacy can lead to shorter recovery times, reduced need for analgesics, and increase staff efficiency. Fletcher Insulation’s acoustic insulation solutions for healthcare facilities enable architects and designers to create spaces that promote a calm and healing environment for patients and caregivers alike.

Optimise Workplace Wellbeing and Productivity

Modern open-plan workspaces encourage collaboration but also present challenges in managing noise levels. Studies show that a disruptive acoustic environment negatively impacts concentration, productivity, creativity and health. Our acoustic solutions for offices and warehouses help optimise the creation of workspaces that support a more efficient, healthy and harmonious workplace.

Enriching Aged Care Environments

As hearing abilities naturally decline with age, creating an acoustically comfortable environment becomes crucial. Our acoustic insulation solutions for aged are facilities are designed to enhance speech comprehension and contribute to a positive atmosphere. This, in turn, may help residents feel less isolated and anxious, improving their overall wellbeing.

Uncompromising Quality and Performance

We stand by the quality and acoustic performance of our insulation products. Our glasswool insulation is engineered with precision to deliver exceptional acoustic performance. And we provide the right densities to achieve the required acoustic performance. The true recovery and rigidity of our Australian-made glasswool ensures a perfect fit for the intended application, providing continued acoustic comfort over time.

Compliance with the Australian Standards and National Construction Code (NCC)

We prioritise rigorous research and testing to ensure that all our products meet the latest Australian Standards and NCC compliance criteria.

Our products assist in reducing airborne sound through ductwork, and wall and floor construction, in accordance with:

  • NCC 2022 Vol 1 Section F7, Specification 28, and NCC 2022 Vol 2 ABCB Housing Provisions Section 10.7
  • AS/NZS ISO717.1 Acoustics – Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements
  • AS/ISO 11654 Acoustics – Rating of sound absorption – Materials and systems

Our high density acoustic insulation helps target broad spectrum frequency bands for all round acoustic attenuation in:

  • Specialised plant and server rooms
  • HVAC ductwork

Our expert Technical team can assist you in selecting the best acoustic solutions for your building project.

To find out more about our high performing acoustic solutions, explore Building Solutions.

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